The Educational Project, aimed at High Schools in Sicily on the themes of separate waste collection and the recycling of packaging, is organised with the patronage of the Prime Minister and the Ministry for the Environment, Land and sea.

The Educational Project of the italian consortia for the collection, recovery and recycling of packaging in aluminium (CIAL), paper (Comieco), plastic (Corepla), glass (Coreve), steel (Ricrea) and wood (Rilegno) kicks off today in Trapani.

This edition of Green Game involves 1st and 2nd year students of the High Schools of Sicily.

After the editions held in the Marche and Puglia, Green Game has reached the Sicilian schools, stimulating students, through a competition mechanism, to discuss the issues of recycling and, more generally, environmental sustainability.

The competition is set up as a team-based quiz, and makes use of interactive technology. The aim is to answer correctly a number of multiple-choice questions that appear on a big screen within a prescribed period of time. The classes will be equipped with a wireless keyboard, and will be called upon to answer questions (prepared by their teachers) on Separate Waste Collection, Environmental Education and the school syllabus.

Each class forms a team that will challenge classes from other schools. Below are some photos of the 2014 edition held in Puglia.

The 6 national consortia operate throughout Italy to achieve the recycling targets set by the European Union. In this regard, in recent years Sicily has played an increasingly important role, not merely due to the size of its population, but also to the island’s social, economic and cultural significance. Indeed, the consortia have undertaken many initiatives in the region, where they have invested considerable energy.

The decision to develop a project dedicated to high schools stems from the awareness that the formative age between 14 and 19 makes for a more mature and responsible approach to the issues of waste, but also offers several insights into finding new channels of communication with citizens.

The first week of Green Game will feature the students from the following schools:

– Monday, 5 October, Istituto Tecnico per Geometri “G. B. Amico”, I.P.S.I.A. Monteleone and

Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Calvino, in Trapani.

– Tuesday, 6 October, I.I.S. Rosina Salvo and I.I.S. Michelangelo Buonarroti, Trapani.

– Wednesday, 7 October, I.I.S. Giovanni XXIII – Cosentino and Liceo Scientifico P. Ruggeri,


– Thursday, 8 October, I.I.S.S. Foderà and Liceo Leonardo, Agrigento.

– Friday, 9 October, I.I.S.S. Don Michela Arena and IPSIA Accurso Miraglia, Sciacca.


For more information, visit and the Facebook profile “Greengameitalia”.

Schools interested in joining the project: