A new permanent interactive exhibition dedicated to Aluminium, a light and infinitely recyclable metal valued in packaging, mechanics, design.

An exhibition, designed and produced by the National Museum of Science and Technology. Main partner CIAL – Aluminium Packaging Consortium. 

During the opening event of the exhibition, on March 5, tell more about their professional experience in relation to this metal: artist Michelangelo Pistoletto, three-Michelin-star chef Niko Romito, Cesare Maffei – President of CIAL, Gino Schiona – General Director of CIAL,  Christian Muckermann – President of CentroAl, the General Director of the Museum Fiorenzo Galland and the curator Francesca Olivini .

“Aluminium is a lively material ” said Gino Schiona, General Director of CIAL – Aluminium Packaging Consortium”, it is a permanent material, a material that can be used and reused, preserving, in all its many uses, the energy needed for its future applications. One of its main features is, in fact, its unlimited recyclability. A value ​​that makes the concept of green economy and resource-safeguard intrinsic to aluminium, in line with the principles of sustainable development and efficient use of resources. It is in this spirit that CIAL, National Consortium for Waste Collection, Recycling and Recovery of Aluminium Packaging, promotes and supports initiatives that encourage the dissemination of a culture for environmental sustainability, involving all audiences, in particular, young people. The new aluminium area designed by the Museum of Science and Technology in Milan and supported by CIAL offers, in this sense, a broad overview of its whole industrial chain, of its industries and its infinite applications, highlighting in particular, the important technical and environmental performances that characterize the products made with this extraordinary material during its entire life cycle and making it a substance respectful of the principles and values ​​of green economy”.

Aluminium is durable, light, malleable, a good conductor of electricity and heat, infinitely recyclable. This new exhibition highlights the properties and the many visible and hidden uses of this metal and of its alloys. Packaging, transport, construction, industry, durable products: aluminium is valuable in all fields.

The exhibition helps visitors to see and touch aluminium in its various aspects, processes and finishes, appreciating its beauty and versatility.

The industrial processes of yesterday and today, as well as a comparison between the production from mineral extraction and scrap, are shown through inspiring historical objects – some of which have been restored for the occasion – and original videos from manufacturing plants.

Besides CIAL, main partner, other companies in the “World Aluminium” have supported the project:

Gruppo AgnelliHydroLaminazione SottileContinuus ProperziSapaAcm CarcanoIntalsRadiatori 2000MetraNovelisTubettificio FaviaAital, Assiral, CentroAl.  

Below, a video-clip that tells the installation, and follow some photos, both the exhibition that the inauguration event.

Basically, you find instead, downloadable in pdf, a document that explains step by step the whole exhibition.

[youtube src=”-bqFXekJMV0″]