This search engine is used to provide a list of the italian companies that are part of CIAL and what kind of packaging they produce.
This tool can be used by manufacturing companies, packaging users and consumers.
Companies that would like to insert and/or change a kind of packaging they produce can contact us at the email address:
Click HERE and check which Italian companies produce this packaging:
- Cans
- Tubes
- Trays
- Tins
- Tin foil
- Capsules and seals
- Flexible aluminium
- Polycoupled materials with aluminium mainly
- Aerosol cans
Results CIAL 2023: recycling of aluminium packaging _ Italy
70.3% of the total amount placed on the market and 93.8% of aluminium cans for beverages recycled. – The Italian model for the management of aluminium packaging and packaging waste continues to provide a model of excellence in the European landscape, in line with the principles of the Circular Economy Action Plan. This is confirmed […]
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CIAL and Coca-Cola: a long summer of recycling. Collected 330.000 beverage cans.
As part of the Ogni Lattina Vale (Every Can Counts) project, this summer the CIAL Consortium and Coca-Cola promoted numerous initiatives for the recovery of aluminium beverage cans consumed during and at major music events. Record numbers for the joint initiative promoted during the summer of 2023 by CIAL-Consorzio Nazionale Imballaggi Alluminio (National Aluminium Packaging […]
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