Results of Recycling
From greenhouse gas emissions to energy: some figures
With 52,900 tonnes of aluminium packaging recycled in 2021, representing 67.5% of the 78,400 tonnes sold on the market – plus 3,700 tonnes of thin packaging destined for waste-to-energy treatment – in 2021 Italy confirms its leading position in Europe in terms of production of recycled aluminium.
This result, of vital importance a country whose aluminium production is 100% based on recycling, saved the equivalent of 371 thousand tonnes of CO2 in greenhouse gas emissions while saving energy equivalent to more than 159 thousand tonnes of oil, all made possible by the combined efforts of institutions, companies, dealers, citizens and municipalities.
The positive trend is maintained
5,638 municipalities and about 47 million citizens participate actively in aluminium waste separation. CIAL collaborates with them under the Anci-Conai Framework Agreement in effect all over the country.
Numbers that have made it possible to maintain the positive trend of separate waste collection managed by the Consortium in recent years, with an increase, in 2021, both in the amount marketed (+ 11.4%) and in the quantities recycled (+ 11.6%).
* The types of aluminium packaging currently in use that can be infinitely recycled include: beverage cans, food tins and trays, thin aluminium foil, spray cans, tubes, caps and seals – all of these items are 100% infinitely recyclable, and find new life through recycling by becoming new aluminium with endless new uses.
75% of all the aluminium ever produced in the world is still in use today!
CIAL figures and results for 2021
- 250 companies in the consortium.
- 441 affiliated entities, 270 platforms and 12 smelting centres throughout the country ensure the collection, treatment, recycling and recovery of aluminium.
- 5,638 municipalities (over 71% of all active Italian municipalities) collaborate with CIAL in the separation of aluminium packaging waste, involving 47 million citizens (79% of the Italian population served).
- 9% average increase in separate collection over the last three years.
- Quantity of aluminium packaging entering the Italian market: 78,400 tonnes.
- Total recovery of aluminium packaging in Italy (percentage recycled + percentage of packaging converted to energy in waste-to-energy plants): 56,600 tonnes.
- Recycling: 52,900 tons of aluminium packaging, equivalent to 67.5% of the quantity on the market
- Energy recovery: 3,700 tons (share of thin packaging that goes to waste-to-energy plants)
- The recycling of 52,900 tonnes of aluminium packaging avoided greenhouse emissions totalling 371 thousand tonnes of CO2 while saving energy equivalent to 159 thousand tonnes of oil.
Aluminium and the Circular Economy
- Aluminium is infinitely recyclable.
- Aluminium recycling guarantees energy savings of 95% compared to traditional production processes.
- 75% of all the aluminium ever produced in the world is still in use today.
- The highest amount of aluminium per capita in the world is recycled in Europe.
- Italy’s aluminium production is now 100% based on recycling.
- Italy ranks among the first in Europe in terms of the amount of recycled aluminium produced.